~~  Colossians  ~~
Time (min) Scripture Title
COL001A 24 Col.1:1-10  -
COL001C 29 Col.1:10-11, John 6:29 Understanding the Spirit
COL001D 24 Col.1:15-19 In Christ All Things Stand Together
COL001E 22 Col.1:9-12, 1-Pet.1:7-8 Walking Worthy of the Lord 
COL001F 13 Col.1:10-15  - 
COL002A 34 Col.1:15-23, 2:9, Eph.6:10, 1:22-23, Rom.13:1 The First Emerging
COL002B 25 Col.1:10-15, 18  -
COL003 24 Col.1:10-15  -
COL004 31 Col.1:9, 12-18, 2:9, Heb.4:12, Eph.5:29, 6:12 Christ in Simplicity
COL005 29 Col.1:15-17 Centrality of Christ
COL006 30 Col.1:17-18  -
COL007 29 Col.1:19-20  -
COL008 29 Col.1:19-21, 1Cor.1:17-31  -
COL009 30 Col.1:20-25, Dan. 5:25 The Abyss
COL010 24 Col.1:21-28 Christ in You
COL011 31 Col.1:21-28, Rom.1:23-26, Matt.28:19-20 Take on What You Can Handle
COL012 31 Col.1:17, Romans 8:8-11 The Christ
COL013 32 Col.1:17, Eccl.3, Heb.10:22, Psalm 103 Reconciliation
COL014 28 Col.1:21-24  -
COL015 33 Col.1:24-27, Heb.4:15-16  -
COL017A 28 Col.2:1-3:4 Overview
COL017B 36 Col.2, Phil.2:5-7, Psa.8, Gal.5:22  - 
COL018 29 Col.2 God's Reason Not Ours
COL019 30 Col.2:1-5 Don't Get Sidetracked
COL020 28 Col.2:1-8 Caution with Mans Philosophy - Prt 1
COL021 30 Col.2:5-12, Prov.23:23 Caution with Mans Philosophy - Prt 2
COL022 26 Col.2:9-15, 1Cor.12, Heb.11:1-3   -
COL023 19 Col.2:9-17  -
COL024 30 Col.2:14-23, Eph.6  -
COL025 27 Col.2:18-19 Holding to the Head of the Body
COL026 27 COL.2:20-3:4 Seek Those Things Which are Above
COL027A 39 Col.2:20, 3:1-4, Eph.5-25-27 The Power to Change Men - Prt 1
COL027B 37 Col.3:1-25, 2:20-21, Rom.6:6-11  -
COL027C 32 Col.3:1-10 Surviving Here
COL028 34 Col. 3:1-4  -
COL029 30 Col.3:1-15, Rom.5:5  -
COL030 32 Col.3:5-15 Our Heritage From God
COL031 28 Col.3:13-17 Growing Through Human Relationships
COL032 32 Col.3:12-17  -
COL033 37 Col.3:18-25, Eph.5:22-25, 1Cor.11  -
COL034A 29 Col.3:18-4:6, Prov.15:1, Matt.5:13 Thankfulness
COL034B 30 Col.4:1-6, Jam.1:5 Continue in Prayer and Thanksgiving
COL035 34 Col.4:10-18  -

Last updated 2021