~~  Old Testament Survey  ~~
Time (min) Scripture Title
OTS001 36 Gen.1:1-2 Survey of the Old Testament -Prt 1
OTS002 33 Gen.1, 2, 3 Survey of the Old Testament -Prt 2
OTS004 30 Gen.2-9 Survey of the Old Testament -Prt 3
OTS005 35 Gen.1 thru 5 Survey of the Old Testament -Prt 4
OTS006 35 Gen.10 thru 12 Prt 1
OTS007 38 Gen.6 thru 12, Heb.11:8-11 Prt 2
OTS008 32 Heb.11, Heb.11:11 Prt 1 -Abraham's Touch with God
OTS009 37 - Prt 2 -Enemy of the World
OTS010 32 Heb.11:11, 17-18 Prt 3 -We do not need to be Special
OTS011 37 Gen.12 Prt 4 -Survival with the Enemy
OTS013 37 Gen., Heb.11:23-24 Prt 5 -The Physical Side of People
OTS014 30 Gen. Prt 6 -It comes from God
OTS015 34 Gen., Heb.11:23, Rom.12:3 Prt 7 -Moses, You, and Mustard Seed
OTS016 27 Gen. Prt 8 -The Gift from God
OTS017 35 Gen.35, Exd.12-14, 2Cor4:7 Prt 9 -God Feeds His Children
OTS018 30 Exd.20:10 Effects of the World
OTS019 37 Exe. God in this World
OTS020 31 Exd.2:7 Story of Jethro
OTS021 34 2Chr.7:14, Psa.16, Rom.12:3, 2Cor.5:14 Outer Person vs Inner Person
OTS022 31 Exe. Prayer that We Use
OTS023 36 2Chr.7:14, Duet.33:27, Phil.1:6 Traveling Life's Desserts
OTS024 31 Exodus The Jews Needs
OTS025 30 Heb.10, 1John 1:9 The Tabernacle
OTS026 33 Heb.10:1-23 The Tabernacle and Christians
OTS027 30 Heb.8:7-13, 9:11-14 New Covenant
OTS028 32 Heb.9:6 A Growing Spirit in the Wilderness
OTS029 30 Heb.9:11-14 -
OTS030 29 Josh.1:9 From Moses To Joshua
OTS031 30 Josh.5:13-15,  John 1:1-4, 14, Phil.1:1-9, 2:5-8 -
OTS032 34 Josh.3 Constant Problems
OTS033 32 Josh.3:1-14, Heb.3, 4 -
OTS034 30 Josh.6, Rom.15:4 Win the Battle with Him
OTS035 28 Josh.6:8 The Struggle with Jericho
OTS036 25 Josh.24:1-17 -
OTS037 32 Josh.24:13-18, Judg.2:11-27 -
OTS038 32 Judg.1:17-33,  2:11-17, 3:1-2, 5:1-20, Psa.68, 107:1-20 -
OTS039 32 Judg.5:1-4, Psa.68, 1Sam.2:1-3, Luke 2 -
OTS040 32 1Sam. 2:1-11, Luke 1:46-55 Hosts of Israel
OTS042 31 Judg.6:1-18, Psa.107:1-31 -
OTS043 33 Josh.6:10-7:25 -
OTS044-5 36 Judg.1:3, Isa.9:6 Events in the OT
OTS046 34 Ruth 1-2 -
OTS047 33 - Abstracts of the Old Testament
OTS048 36 Judg.14:1-7 -
OTS049 30 Judg.13, 14 Today's Ethics and Ways
OTS050 31 Ruth Overview of Ruth
OTS052 35 1Sam. Introduction
OTS053 33 1Sam.1:1-11, 2Cor.4:6 -
OTS054 34 1Sam.1:11-28 -
OTS055 30 1Sam.2:1-10 Song of Hannah
OTS056 31 1Sam.2:1-10, Phil.2:1-5 -
OTS057 24 Psa.68:1-35, Duet.32 God of the Mountain
OTS058 33 1Sam.2, Rev.15:1-4, Psa.68, Phil.2:5-11 -
OTS059 39 1Sam.8:1-6, Psa.16, 1Tim.3:1-5 Earliness vs Godliness
OTS060 32 1Sam.2:1-30, 3:1-20 -
OTS061 37 1Sam. Samuel's Children
OTS062 35 1Sam.8:7, 9:1-10:27 Concerning Soul
OTS063 34 1Sam.9:19-22, 10:9-16, 11:12, 12:25, Psa.107 Samuel Warns the Jews
OTS064 37 1Sam.14:24-15:4 Saul Vs Samuel and the Amalekites
OTS065 38 1Sam.15:1-32, Acts 14, 1John 2:1 Saul's Disobedience
OTS066 33 1Sam.16:1-11, Psa.73, Phil.3 Samuel Sense of David
OTS067 33 1Sam.17, Eph.1:3, 6:10-18, Heb.11:1 The Armor of David
OTS068 29 2Sam.7:1-8, Psa.2:1-12 -
OTS069 34 2Sam., Psa.2:1-12, Rom.4:8, 7:19, 2Cor.4:6-7, 10:4-5 God's Mercy for David
OTS070 30 2Sam., Psalm 18:1-33 David and the Modern World
OTS071 33 2Sam., Psa.2:1-9, 32 Spirit of David
OTS072 32 2Sam.23:14-17, Psa.103 David's Relation to God
OTS073 32 2Sam., Psa.103 Grace and Faith
OTS074 38 2Sam., Psa.107 Guidance with Mercy
OTS075 37 2Sam., Psa.119:1-16, 105, 121:1-8, 125:1-2, 1John 3 -
OTS076 36 2Sam., Psa.139:1-24 -
OTS077 33 1Kings 2:1-11 -
OTS078 36 1Kings 2:1-4, 3:1-18, 8:12-34 -
OTS079 31 1Kings 8:22-50, Rom.12:3 -
OTS080 36 1Kings 3:5-10 -
OTS081 34 1Kings 8:25-9:8 -
OTS082 20 1Kings, Psalm 72:1-4 -
OTS083 33 1Kings 11:1-10, Prov.2:1, 3:6 -
OTS084 33 Prov.3:1-6 -
OTS085 34 Prov.31 Prt 1 - Womanhood
OTS086 36 Prov.31:10-11 Prt 2 - Womanhood
OTS087 40 Prov.31:10-11 Prt 3 - Details for Women
OTS088 33 Prov.31:10-11, Gal.5:22 Prt 1 - Relationships and Caring
OTS089 28 Prov.31:10-11 Prt 2 - Relationships and Caring
OTS090 31 Prov.31:10-11 Prt 3 - Relationships and Caring
OTS091 31 Prov.31:10-11 Prt 4 - Relationships and Caring
OTS092 33 Prov.31:10-11 Prt 5 - Relationships and Caring
OTS093 36 Prov.31:10-11 Prt 6 - Relationships and Caring
OTS094 38 Prov.31:10-31, Psa.2:1-12 Prt 7 - Relationships and Caring
OTS095 37 Eccl.1:1, Rom.8:26, Eph.4:32 -
OTS096 26 Eccl.3:1-11 -
OTS097 27 Eccl.1:2, 18, 2:9-12, 5:1-7, 12:1-14, Matt.5:34 -
OTS099 36 - Song of Solomon - Overview
OTS100 39 John 7:37-38, Heb.11:4-6 Song of Solomon - Overview
OTS101 37 Isa.1:1, 53:1-12, Matt.27:1-27, Rom.3:10-25 Isaiah - Overview
OTS102 32 Isa.2:1-22, 6:1-5, 40:2, 31, 41:10, Eph.1:23, Rev.17:1-5 -
OTS103 37 Isa.6:1-8, Matt.16:24, 1Tim.6:12 -
OTS104 33 Isa.9:1-9 -
OTS105 31 Isa.9:2-7 -
OTS106A 33 Isa.11:1-2 -
OTS106B 35 Isa.11:1-7, 11:1-5 -
OTS107 34 Isa.11:1-2, Eph.1:15-23 -
OTS108 32 Isa.14:10-17, Eze.28:1-2, 31:18 -
OTS109 29 Isa.14, Eph.1 Deception and Satan
OTS110 34 Isa.30:1-5, 25:1-26:9 -
OTS111 35 Isa.29:14, 18-24, 30:1-5 -
OTS112 32 Isa.35:1-10 Overview
OTS113 35 Isa.35:7-10, 2Kings 18:13-19:37 -
OTS114 30 Isa.40:1-10 -
OTS115 32 Isa.40:1-31 -
OTS116 29 Isa.40:9-17, 53:1-9, Rom.9 -
OTS117 31 Isa.40:27-31, Psa.147:1-4, Acts 13:2 -
OTS118 29 Isa.41:6-10 -
OTS119 31 Isa.41:10, 42:1-8, Ecc.3:1-11, 2Pet.1:4 -
OTS120 32 Isa.42:2-6, 43:1-7, 44:1-6, 35:2, John 7:37-38, 16:33 -
OTS121 31 Isa.43:18-19, 44:1-3, Joel 2:28-32, Matt.11:6-7 -
OTS122 27 Isa.46:1-13, 48:1-22, 49:1-15, 54:1-12, Matt.20 -
OTS123 31 Isa.51:1-9, 53:12, Rom.10:7-9, Rev.19 -
OTS124 34 Isa.53 -
OTS125 30 Isa.53:6-10, Phil.2 -
OTS126 29 Isa.54:1-17, Heb.13 -
OTS129 33 Isa.55:1-3, John 7, Rev.21 -
OTS130 27 Isa.55:1-2, Rev.3:16 -
OTS131A 29 Isa.55, Rom.4:1-8 Abraham's Faith
OTS131B 24 Isa.57:1-21, Jer.17:3-8 -
OTS131C 31 Isa.58:1-11, Rev.22:17, 1Cor.10:13 -
OTS131D 29 Isa.59:1-21 -
OTS131E 34 Isa.59:1-21, Eph.6, Acts 14:8 -
OTS131F 28 Isa.60:1-22, Rev.22 -
OTS131G 35 Isa.61:1-11, 60:19, Rev.22:1-5, Matt.11:28-30, 28:16-20 -
OTS131H 27 Isa.61:10-11, 62:1-12 -
OTS131K 30 Jer.1:1-6, 3:6 -
OTS132 34 Jer.30:22-23, 31:1 Overview
OTS135 33 Eze.1:4-10, Dan.7:8-9, 10:5-7, Rev.1:12-16 -
OTS136 32 Eze.1:15, Jer.1:1-5, Dan.10:1-7, 7:7-8, Rev.1:9-14 Introduction and History
OTS137 29 Eze.1:4-5, 22, Eph.3 -
OTS138 32 Ezek.28:1-16, 31:18, Isa.14:12-20, Dan.10:12-14 -
OTS139 29 Ezek.36:24 - 37:14 -
OTS142 27 Dan.1:5, 21 Introduction
OTS144A 27 Dan.5:1-2, 25-31, 6:1-24 The 2 Babylon Kings
OTS144B 42 Dan.7:25-27, Rev,  -
OTS145 22 Dan.8:1-27, Matt.24 -
OTS146 33 Dan.9:3-20,16-27, Rom.8:26 -
OTS147 24 Dan.9:23-10:21, Matt.24 -
OTS148 31 Dan.10:1-8, 7:9-10, Rev.1:12-15, Eze.1:13-17 -
OTS150 29 Dan.11:2-5, 11-12, 30, 12:13, Matt.24, Acts 1:7 -
OTS152 30 Isaiah, Jeremiah, Rom.11 -
OTS153A 27 Hosea 1:1-4, 14:1-9, Rev.17:5 Overview -Prt 1
OTS153B 26 Hosea 1:1-4, 10:1-15,  14:1-9 Overview -Prt 2
OTS155 26 Hosea 1:5-11, 2:8-17 -
OTS156 20 Joel 1:9-13, 2:12-32, 3:1-17 -
OTS157 26 Amos 4:1-2,13,5:20-22, 6:1-9,9:11-15 -
OTS158 30 Obad.1:1-21, Zech.14 -
OTS159 33 Jonah 1:1-2, 4:1-11 -
OTS161 21 Isa.40:31, Rev.5:8 -
OTS162 15 Hab.3:1-6 -
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