~~  Revelation  ~~
Time (min) Scripture Title
REV001 33 Rev.1:1-4, Isa.66:18-20, Acts 2:5 Life Moves On
REV002 31 Rev.1:1-3 Overview - Coming Soon
REV003 39 Rev.1:4-5, 4:4-5, Zech.3:9, Isa.11:1, 2Chr.7:14 Seven Churches
REV004 33 Rev.1:4-8, Col.1:16, Deut.33:27
REV006 34 Rev.1:5-6, Luk.8:25, Isa.26:3 A Look at Faith
REV007 35 Rev.1:5, Matt 17:20 Influence and Correction
REV008 34 Rev.1:1-6, 6:11-12 Revelation and Sin
REV009 27 Rev.1:5-6 A Look at Sin
REV010 27 Rev.1:5-6, Gen.4 Clarifying Sin
REV011 33 Rev.1, Psa.51, John 8:3-10 The Problem with Sin
REV013 35 Rev.1, Acts 2:25,29, Rom.4, 7, Psa.51 David's Sin -Prt 1
REV015 33 Rev.1:5, Psa.51 David's Sin -Prt 2
REV019 32 Rev.1:4-6 Why Press the Point
REV021 30 Rev.1:6, 1Pet.2:5, 9, Rom.12:2
REV022 27 Rev.1:6
REV023 29 Rev.1:7, Zech.12:1-10
REV024 29 Rev.1:7, Zech.12:10, Matt.24:15,29, Dan.11:32, Isa.13:10-14
REV025 25 Rev.1:7-8, John 8:58
REV027 32 Rev.1:9-19, Dan.2 Part 1
REV028 31 Rev.1:17-18, Dan.7:8-14, Rom.8 Part 2
REV029 27 Rev.1:7, John 1-4, 14 Part 3
REV030 29 Ezek.1:4, Rev.1:7, Rom.15:4 Picture of Christ
REV031 32 Ezek.1:4-18, Dan 7:9, Rev.1 Christ's Images
REV032 32 - Truth with Reality -Prt 1
REV033 28 - Truth with Reality -Prt 2
REV034 28 Ezek.1 No Despair or Threats
REV035 27 Ezek.1, John 17:22-24 Inseparable
REV036 31 Ezek.1:10-, Dan.7:9-11-14, Rev.1:12-15 Picture of God
REV037B 17 Rev.1:12-20, Acts 2:1-3
REV040 22 Rev.1:17-20, Col.2:9
REV041 30 Rev.2, 12, Thess.2 Heaven's Rolled Back
REV153 29 Rev.4:4-7
REV154 29 Rev.4:4-7
REV155 32 Rev.4:6-8, Deut.4:2, Isa.6:1-7
REV156 30 Rev.4:8-11, Isa.6:1-8 God Almighty
REV162 29 Rev.5:6-8, John 17:21
REV164 29 Rev.4:11, John 1:12 A Description of Christ
REV167 29 Rev.5:10 Identify the Kingdom of God
REV168 30 Rev.5:12-13 Unknown Picture and Riches
REV169 29 Rev.5:12-13
REV171 30 Rev.5:12, Psa.2, Phil.4:13 More About Wisdom and Strength
REV172 30 Rev.5:12, John 14:13-14, 15:16, Prov.11:30, John 17:11, 22
REV177 17 Rev.5:13 Relation to Christ
REV178 26 Rev.6:1-6, Matt.24:1-8, Acts 1:6-7
REV179 29 Rev.6, Matt.24:1-20
REV180 31 Rev.6, Mat.24:15-29
REV181 28 Rev.6, Isa.13:1-22, Matt.24:29-51
REV182 31 Rev.6:1-7:, 14:1-5, Isa.34:1-3
REV183 23 Rev.7:1-17, 19:14, Acts 2:5
REV184 30 Rev.8:1-4, 5:8, Heb.12:2 Christ Touches Us Through Life
REV185 27 Rev.8:7 - 9:7
REV186 22 Rev.9:16-20
REV187 21 Rev.10:1-7 World Concepts
REV188 21 Rev.10:1-11, John 12:29 Little Book and The Stars
REV189 29 Rev.10:8-11, 11:1-4, Ezk.47:1-10
REV190 31 Rev.11:1-19, Zeck.4:1-14 The Prophets
REV191 26 Rev.11:1-17, Ezekiel 48, Matt.24 Summary
REV192 22 Rev.12:1-6 The Woman Israel
REV193 26 Rev.12:1‐9 The Woman Vs the Dragon
REV194 29 Rev.12:9-12, 2-Thess.2  
REV195 22 Rev.12:9-10, Luke 1:67-68, 2-Pet.1 Salvation
REV198 31 Isa 9:6-7 Christ and World Survival
REV199 29 Rev.13:1-4, Zech.14:1-5  
REV200 24 Dan.7:1-25, Psa.2, Rev.16:10-16 Who is the Beast
REV206 29 Rev.14:9-19, 1-Tim.6:12, Psa.2
REV207 29 Rev.15:1‐5, Exe.15:1
REV209 30 Rev.15:1‐5, Acts 4:12, Jer.32:27
REV210 28 Rev.15:3-4
REV212 24 Rev.15:4-8, 2Cor.4:7, Col.1
REV213 24 Rev.16:1-8
REV213A 31 Rev.16:1-16, 1Kings 22:19-22 The Vials
REV213B 27 Rev.18:1-7 Anti-Christ and the Economic System
REV213C 23 Rev.18:1-24, Isa.24:1-16 Future World Systems
REV214 32 Rev.19:1-8
REV214B 28 Rev.19:1, John 17 The Nature of Christ
REV214C 27 Rev.5:13 Characterization of Christ
REV215 26 Rev.19:10, Heb.12:1-2 Clues
REV216 30 Rev.19:11-16, Zech.14:4-5
REV216C 24 Rev.19:14-16, John 16:33 The Authority of Christ
REV216D 32 Rev.19:6-9
REV217 28 Rev.19:16-21, Zech.14:1-13, Ezek.38
REV218 32 Rev.20:1-12, Ezek.38, 45, 46
REV218C 32 Rev.21:20, 1Cor.2:13-14 Even So Come Lord Jesus
REV219 30 Rev.20:1-7, Rom.12:15, 9:2
REV220 32 Rev.21:9-20, Eph.1, Col.2, 1Cor.13
REV223A 30 Rev.22:16-17, Matt.24:40, John 16:33 Christian Perspective in this World
REV223B 29 Rev.22:16, 2-Sam 7:8
REV224 30 Rev.22:17-18
REV225 31 Rev.22:20, Col.1:15, John 14-16 The Reality of Christ's Presence
REV226 30 Rev.21:22-27, John 14
REV227 30 Rev.22:1-21, John 1:11 Chapter Overview
REV228 32 Rev.22:17-19, 1Cor.15, Isa.55:1-3, 43, 44, Psa.1 The Well of Mercy that Flows
REV230 25 Rev.22:7, 12, 17, 20, Col.1:14-17 Take His Yoke Upon You
REV231 32 Rev.22:7, 12, 17, 20, John 1:1-18, Col.1:13-15, Phil.3:10, Psa.23, 2Cor.4 Coming of Christ -Prt 1
REV232 31 Rev.22, Col.1:13, John 15:3, 10:16, Psa.23 Coming of Christ -Prt 2
REV380 29 Rev22, Acts 2, Isa 55  
REV385 32 Rev.22, Isa 9:6-7, Acts 2:25-26, John 14, 16 On the Subject of David -Prt 1
REV395 30 Rev.22, Psa. 46, 139, Phil.4:7 On the Subject of David -Prt 2
REV400 37 Rev.22, Psa.23, 42, 1Cor.1:25-29, Rom.12:3, 2Cor.1:3 On the Subject of David -Prt 3
REV405 31 Psa., 2-Sam. On the Subject of David -Prt 4
REV410 35 Rev 22:16, 1Sam.22, Luke 19: 29-42, Phil.2:5-11, 1Cor 4:7-15, 2Tim 2:1-13 On the Subject of David -Prt 5
REV415 38 Rev.22, Luke 17, Psa.51:1-19, Rom.4:22-24 On the Subject of David -Prt 6
REV420 36 Rev.22, Psa.51:1-17, 2Cor.2:14 On the Subject of David -Prt 7
REV435 34 Psa.103:1-16
REV445 36 Psa.16:7-11, Acts 2:28 Where Peace is Found -Prt 1
REV447 44 1John 3, Psa 16 Where Peace is Found -Prt 2
REV449 34 Psa.16:5, 55:22 Where Peace is Found -Prt 3
REV450 37 Psa.16:5-6, Heb.12 Where Peace is Found -Prt 4
REV455 36 Psa.16:5-6, Matt.11:28-30 Where Peace is Found -Prt 5
REV470 42 Rev.22:17-22 The Shepherd's Care for His Children
REV475 33 Rev.22:17, Isa.55:1-9, John 4, Psa.139, 2 Chr.7:14  
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Last updated 2025