~~ Romans ~~ | |||
ID (MP3) |
Time (min) | Scripture | Title |
ROM002A | 44 | Rom.1:1-2 | Separated From |
ROM002B | 50 | Rom.1:3, 8, Rev.12 & 13 & 21 | - |
ROM003 | 37 | Rom.1:2-7 | The Bible - True or False |
ROM004 | 44 | Rom.1:4-5, John 10 | Grace and Apostleship |
ROM005 | 41 | Rom.1:5 | Obedience to the Faith |
ROM006B | 29 | Rom.1:5-10, 1-Pet.5:7, Eph.1:23, John 17:22, 2-Pet.1:4 | - |
ROM007A | 31 | Rom.1:8-17 | Worshiping Christ in Spirit |
ROM007B | 40 | Rom.1:14-18, Phil 2:13, 1Cor.15 | - |
ROM008A | 45 | Rom.1:9-10 | Don't Depend On Feelings |
ROM008B | 34 | Rom.1:16-18 | Paul Was Not Let Down |
ROM008C | 36 | Rom.1:19-24, Matt 9:36-38, 1Thess.5:9, 2Thess.2:11 | Wrath |
ROM009A | 23 | Rom.1:8-24 | They are Without Excuse |
ROM009B | 26 | Rom.1:18-20 | The Invisible Things |
ROM010 | 39 | Rom.1:18-20 | God's Outpouring of Love |
ROM011 | 35 | Rom.1:21-27 | Law of Diminishing Returns |
ROM012 | 31 | Rom.1:22-32 ; 2:1 | The Human Condition |
ROM013 | 26 | Rom.1:32, 2:2 | Potentials of the Human Heart |
ROM015A | 31 | Rom.2:1-11, Psa.51 | The Condemning Flesh |
ROM021A | 42 | Rom.3:23-24 | Reconnection thru Redemption |
ROM025 | 37 | Rom.4:1-8 | What It Means to Be Justified |
ROM026A | 27 | Rom.4:1-2 | God Justified Us |
ROM026B | 45 | Rom.4:1-12 | Authority of the Bible |
ROM028 | 31 | Rom.4:13-20, Jam. 1, Rom.14:1 | Abraham's Inheritance |
ROM030B | 39 | Rom.5:1-11 | Put Your Weight On Christ |
ROM034 | 40 | Rom.5:5-6 | Maturing as a Believer |
ROM035 | 36 | Rom.5:6-8 | Is That All There is? |
ROM036A | 44 | Rom.5:6-11 | Christ the Lord of Our Lives |
ROM036C | 43 | Rom.5:12, 1John 3:4-9, Gal.6:1 | Sin - Complete |
ROM042 | 47 | Rom.6:1-14, Rev.3:20, John 14, Matt.13, 1Cor.1 | Vital Questions in the Faith |
ROM043A | 43 | Rom.6:13-18 | Gods Fire Brings Us to Repent |
ROM044 | 39 | Rom.6:16-18 | Dividing Between Flesh & Spirit |
ROM056A | 36 | Rom.8:18-25, Eccl.3:1 | Sufferings of the Present Time |
ROM058 | 51 | Rom.8:22-23 | The Creation in Travail |
ROM061A | 36 | Rom.8:26-39, Phil.1:6, 2:13, Gal.3, 6:1, Heb.13:20-21, 1Pet.5:10 | Nothing Can Separate Us from Christ |
ROM069 | 43 | Rom.10:4-9 | The Citadel of the Spirit |
ROM073 | 36 | Rom.10:7-14 | God Touches Our Spirit |
ROM074 | 21 | Rom.10:12-14, Col.3:1 | Christians in Today's Economy |
ROM096A | 34 | Rom.11:33-36, Deut.33:27 | - |
ROM096B | 35 | Rom.12:3-8 | - |
ROM097 | 31 | Rom.11:36 | God Our Source -Prt 1 |
ROM098 | 49 | Rom.11:36, 10:9-10, 8:9, Acts 10:40-44, 1John 1:9 | God Our Source -Prt 2 |
ROM099 | 48 | Rom.11:36, Gen.1:1, John 1:1, 14, 13:1-4, 1Cor.15:22-23, 1John 3 | God Our Source -Prt 3 |
ROM101 | 27 | Rom.11:36 | God Our Source -Prt 5 |
ROM102 | 47 | Rom.11:36 | God Our Source -Prt 6 |
ROM103 | 36 | Rom.11:36 | God Our Source -Prt 7 |
ROM104A | 39 | Rom.12:1-2 | The Mercies of God |
ROM104B | 33 | Rom.12:1-2, Eph.2:1-4, 1Cor.2:14 | Knowing the will of God |
ROM105 | 41 | Rom.12:3-4 | Personality or Spirit |
ROM106 | 44 | Rom.12:1-7 | - |
ROM107A | 33 | Rom.12:-1 | Wait and Hear from Him |
ROM107B | 32 | Rom.12:1-3, Gal.5:22 | Inner Personal Relationships |
ROM108 | 27 | Rom 7:24-26, 10, 12, Gal.5:22 | A Word of Comfort |
ROM109 | 32 | Rom.12:9, Gal.5:22 | Love is Without Hypocrisy |
ROM110 | 34 | Rom.12 | The Spirits Grasp of Life |
ROM111 | 35 | Matt.16:24 | In the Heart of the Battle |
ROM113 | 33 | Rom.12:1, Heb.10 | The Father's Loving Care |
ROM114 | 38 | Rom.12:9, Heb.10 | Paul's Suggestions Explained |
ROM115 | 38 | Rom.12:9, 1John | Love is Not Staged |
ROM116 | 38 | Rom.12:10 | The Fatherhood of God |
ROM117 | 37 | Rom.12:10-11 | Balance in Our Faith |
ROM118 | 39 | Rom.12:12, John 15, 1Cor.2:8 | Attitudes and Actions |
ROM119 | 33 | Rom.12:13 | Living With Christ |
ROM120 | 35 | Rom.12:13 | The Point of Contact With God |
ROM121 | 29 | Rom.12:12-13 | Giving to the Saints |
ROM122 | 37 | Rom.7, 12:13-14, 1Cor. 5 | Reflecting Kindness |
ROM123 | 42 | Rom.12:13-14 | Precise Christian Principles |
ROM125 | 39 | Rom.12:14-15, 1-Thess. 1 | Caring |
ROM126 | 25 | Rom, Phil | Flesh and Spirit |
ROM127 | 34 | Rom.12:3, 16 | Relax and Be at Peace |
ROM128 | 35 | Rom.12:16 | The Greater Glory of God |
ROM130 | 29 | Rom.12:20-21 | Overcome Evil With Good |
ROM131 | 26 | Rom.13:1 | Being Subject to Governments |
ROM132 | 37 | Rom.13:1-3 | The Christian and Government |
ROM133 | 34 | Rom.13:1-2 | Political Relationship as a Christian |
ROM135 | 38 | Rom.13:8-10 | Understanding Love |
ROM136 | 39 | Rom.13 | The Controlled Love |
ROM137 | 33 | - | The Problem of Love |
ROM138 | 34 | Rom.13, Jam.1 | A Spirit of Caring |
ROM140 | 41 | Romans | The Rights of the People |
ROM141 | 33 | Rom.7:4, 8:5-10, 13 | The Invisible Things |
ROM142 | 34 | Rom.13, Matt.10 | The Family Citadel |
ROM144 | 39 | Rom.12:18, 13:1, 10, 14 | Living at Peace |
ROM145 | 38 | Rom.13:11-14 | Don't Write It Into the Script |
ROM146 | 42 | Rom.14:1, Jam.1:5-8, John 14:14 | Variations in Conduct |
ROM147 | 38 | Rom.14:2-6 | Regarding Judgments |
ROM148 | 30 | Rom.14:5-14, Col.2:23 | Judge Not |
ROM149 | 33 | Rom.14, and several other passages. | The Grace of God to America |
ROM150 | 38 | Rom.14:13-14, Acts 10:9-15 | Let God's will Be Done |
ROM151A | 32 | Rom.15:1 | Reviving the Spirit |
ROM151B | 30 | Rom.15, John 3:1-21, 14:5, Matt.15:21-28 | - |
ROM152 | 31 | Rom.15:1-7, 7:24-25, Psa.139:8-10 | The Source of Ultimate Truth |
ROM153 | 40 | Rom.15:1-5, 13, 8:26 | Christ Bears Our Infirmities |
ROM154A | 35 | Rom.15:5-13 | Gaining Strength in Tribulation |
ROM154B | 38 | Rom.15:13 | - |
ROM155 | 37 | Rom.15:13, John 16:33 | Abound in Hope -Prt 1 |
ROM156 | 39 | Rom.15:13-14, John 7:37 | Abound in Hope -Prt 2 |
ROM157 | 38 | Rom.15:13 | The God of Hope |
ROM160 | 37 | Rom.15:13, Col.1:15, Eph.1:18-20 | God's Power in Us |
ROM162 | 25 | Rom.15:13-14, Eph.1:18-20 | Christ the Artesian Well |
ROM163 | 38 | Rom.15:14 | Touching Base With Reality |
ROM164 | 28 | Rom.15:14-18 | - |
ROM165 | 34 | Rom.15 | Being Orderly to the Government |
ROM166 | 38 | Rom.15, Heb.4:16 | Your Just as Equal |
ROM167 | 35 | Rom.15:15-21 | The Children of God |
ROM168 | 38 | Rom.15:14-29, Phil.2:17, | Pouring Out a Drink Offering |
ROM169 | 31 | Rom.15:15-16 | Bible Validity |
ROM169B | 36 | Rom.15:30, 1Cir.15, Gal.5:22 | I Am the Reality |
ROM171 | 37 | Rom.15:22-29 | There Should Be No Pressure |
ROM172 | 31 | Rom.15:28-32 | - |
ROM173 | 33 | Rom.15:30-33 | - |
ROM174 | 34 | Rom.15:30-33 | - |
ROM175 | 39 | Rom.16:1-18 | The Family |
ROM176 | 34 | Rom.16:17-20, Heb.13:17 | - |
ROM177 | 35 | Rom.16:18 | - |
ROM178 | 35 | Rom.16:18-20 | Wisdom -Prt 1 |
ROM179 | 29 | Rom.16:18-20 | Wisdom -Prt 2 |
ROM180 | 36 | Rom.16:20, 25 | The Spirit Nature |
ROM181 | 38 | Rom.16:20 | - |
ROM181B | 35 | Rom.16:25-27, John 16, 1Cor.13:9-12 | Life's illusions |
ROM182A | 31 | Rom.16:25-27, 1Cor. 1:18-31, 2:9 | Be at Peace in the Spirit -Prt 1 |
ROM182B | 42 | Rom.16:25-26, Eph.3:19 | Be at Peace in the Spirit -Prt 2 |
ROM183A | 39 | Rom.16 | Interaction of Faith |
ROM183B | 31 | Rom.16:25-26, Psa.1 | - |
ROM184 | 26 | Rom.16:25 | The Meaning of Stability |
ROM185 | 33 | Rom.16:26, Heb.13:17, Gal.4 | The Shepherd's Guidance -Prt 1 |
ROM186 | 32 | Rom.16:25-26, John 17:22 | The Shepherd's Guidance -Prt 2 |
ROM187 | 38 | Rom.16, Gal.5:22, John 2 | The Shepherd's Guidance -Prt 3 |
ROM188 | 35 | Rom.16:27, Psa.8 | Wisdom -Prt 1 |
ROM189A | 38 | Rom.16:27, 1Cor.1:30, Col.2:9 | Wisdom -Prt 2 |
ROM191 | 36 | Rom.1-6, Psa.103 | Romans in Review |
ROM192 | 26 | John 1 | The Spirit of Knowledge |
ROM193 | 40 | Rom.8:1, John 20:23 | The Forgiveness of Offences |
ROM195 | 39 | Rom.8:1, 14-17, 31-39 | Prayer, Need, and Coping |
ROM196 | 39 | Rom.8 | The Tempter |
ROM197 | 44 | Rom.9:1-19 | Overview of Jews and Christians |
ROM198 | 43 | Rom.9:1-3, Phil.3:10 | World Powers Fall, Christians Continue |
ROM199 | 31 | Rom.10:9:10, 2Thess.2, Matt.24 | The False Messiah |
ROM201 | 37 | - | The Mind of the Spirit |
ROM203 | 21 | Rom.12:3-4, Matt.9:38, 28:19 | Doing Things for Jesus? |
ROM204 | 35 | - | Review of Romans 14 |
ROM205 | 39 | Rom.15:15-17 | Review of Romans 15 -Prt 1 |
ROM206 | 34 | Rom.15:16-18, 2Cor.3:1-3 | Review of Romans 15 -Prt 2 |
ROM207 | 40 | Psa.8 | Validity of the Bible |
Last updated: 2024