~~  Sunday Morning  ~~
(Page 2)
Time (min) Scripture Title
S101 26 Acts 6 God Works in the World in Individuals
S103 30 Acts 6:1-8 The Greatness Involvement with Christ
S104 28 Acts 6:3-5, Gen.3:1-13, 1Cor:12 & 13 The Story of Man
S105 29 Acts 6:8-10 Normalcy and Coping
S106 28 Acts 6:8-10, 1Cor.12:30, 1Thess.4:18 Christ with Us in Spirit
S107 26 Acts 6, 1Cor.12 Gifts
S108 30 Acts 7:1-4 Our Dependency on the Bible
S109 26 Acts 7:1-6, Matt.28:19 Living Smoothly with Christ
S110 26 Acts 7:1-51 Stephen's Message to the Sanhedrin
S111 28 Acts 7:33-37 A Life at Peace with God
S113 25 Acts 7:1-37 Stephen, Slain as Prophets Before Him
S114 25 Acts 8 God Guides Us
S115 25 Acts 8:1-8  -
S116 29 Acts 8:1-8, Phil.3:3, 1 Tim.2:12  -
S117 30 Acts 8, Phil 3:3-4 Paul's Life
S118 29 Phil.3:4-14, Gal.5:22 Paul's Past
S119 29 Acts 8:, John 4:1-38 God's Outreach to Samaria
S120 30 Acts 8:26-40 Phillip the Evangelist
S121 26 Acts 8:32-38 The Born Again Label
S122 24 Acts 8:12-17 Adjusting to Adversity
S123 29 Acts 9:1-9 Paul Confronting Christ
S124 27 Acts 9:1-14 Suffering for the Sake of Christ
S125 23 Acts 10 God Touched the Roman Centurion
S153 32 Rev.1:5, 1-John 3 Christ Freed Us From Our Sin
S154 32 Rev.1:5-10, John 8:35  -
S155 31 Rev.1:5-6 God's Responsible Love
S157 27 Rev 1:6 Kingdom of Priests
S158 27 Rev 1:6-7   -
S162 32 Rev.22:22, 1Cor.2:13   -
S165 29 Rev.1:7..., 17:1..., Matt.24:27, Zach.14, Dan.7:9-14   -
S166 30 Rev.1:7, 20:7, Psa.68, Eze.38 & 39, Matt.24, 1Thess.4:13-5:2, 1Cor.15   -
S167 30 Rev.1:7, 1Cor.15:35-38, 1Thess.4 & 5   -
S168 27 1Cor.15:1-2   -
S169 29 1Cor.15:1-4, 1Tim.6   -
S170 30 1Cor.15:1-5, Psalm 119:11, 1John   -
S171 26 1Cor.15:1-7, Rom.8:16   -
S172 27 1Cor.15, Eph 1:2-9, 1Cor.2:9-10   -
S174 23 1Cor.15, Col.2:9, Heb.12:9 Resurrection Effects
S177 29 1Cor.15:12-16  - 
S178 29 1Cor.15:11-15, 2Tim.3:16, 1Cor.2:14  - 
S179B 28 1Cor.15: Psa.3  - 
S180 27 1Cor.15:50-56  - 
S181 29 1Cor.15: 20-24, Rev.20  - 
S182 29 1Cor.15:23-28, 1Thess.4  - 
S183 28 1Cor.15:23-28  - 
S184 28 1Cor.15:24-28, 2Thess.2 Not to Live in Fear
S185 31 1Cor.15 Peace with Yourself
S186 36 1Cor.15, 2Thess.2:7-8, Rev.19:11-16, Rev.14:1-4  - 
S187 29 1Cor.15:35-41 Your Spirit is Protected by God
S188 29 1Cor.15:42-45  - 
S189 26 1Cor.15:57-58  - 
S190 21 1Cor.15:54-57, Romans 8:33-40  - 
S191 32 1Cor.15:54-56, 4:5, Hosea 13:12-1, 1John 3:4  - 
S192 28 1Cor.15:54-56, 1John 3:4 What is Sin? -Prt 1
S193 30 1Cor.15, 1John 1:9, Psa 3, Matt 18:22 What is Sin? -Prt 2
S196 30 1Cor.15, Psa.1, Rom.16, 1Pet.5  - 
S197 28 1Cor.15:58, Rev.3 16-17, Jam.2:20, John 6:29 Faith as An Energy Factor
S198 28 1Cor.15:57-58 Atonement, Not Works
S199 28 1Cor.15:57-58  - 
S200 27 1Cor.15:58, 1John 4:17 What Does Christ Want?

Last updated 2025